Training / Behavioral Services
Training / Behavioral Services
Alpha K9 offers several types of practical dog obedience classes as well as services for addressing problem behaviors. Please contact us to discuss the best option for you and your dog.

Private Sessions
You can come to us for personal & individualized training sessions - for practical obedience training and problem behaviors.

House Calls
For your convenience, we can come to your home for practical obedience training & solving certain problem behaviors.

Problem Behavior Solving
Many problem behaviors can be addressed through practical obedience training which develops your alpha leadership skills. If your dog is fearful, aggressive, pulls on lead, jumps on people, etc., contact us to discuss your situation so we can devise a personal plan of behavior modification for you and your dog.

ACT - Accelerated Canine Training
If you prefer that your dog be professionally trained in two short weeks, this is the program for you! You will also receive training as your dog is being trained. Results are guaranteed for your dog's lifetime with you!